Since the inception of 911 in the United States, everyone has been or is being assigned a physical 911 address, in the rural counties as well as within city limits, for location purposes. The Benton County Emergency Communications District Office is responsible for assigning and approving all addresses in Benton County.

Addresses are assigned based on a distance from the origin point of a roadway to the driveway/entranceway of the residence or business to the road in question. Using a GPS, we locate the exact location where the driveway/entranceway intersects with the roadway and measure that distance from the beginning of the roadway to the GPS intersection point.

Recommendations for displaying your 911 Address:

A key factor in locating an address in an emergency is properly displaying your address numbers at the driveway/entranceway of your home or business. Too often we see emergency response delayed because addresses are either unmarked or not properly marked. Here are a few recommendations to consider when marking your address:

  • Numbers on driveway markers should be at least 3″ in height, reflective, and on a contrasting background.
  • The markers should be placed at the entrance of your driveway and should be clearly visible from the roadway (not obstructed by weeds, etc.).
  • Numbers should be visible from both directions on the roadway.
  • Numbers should also be physically displayed on your home/business, especially when sharing a common driveway with other structures.

address-stake2As a public service, the Benton County ECD offers a plastic stake with reflective numbers to place at your driveway/entranceway to properly display your 911 address.


Requests for new addresses or replacement address markers:

If you are building a new residence or business within Benton County you MUST apply to have a new 911 address assigned by Benton County ECD. You must also apply to request a replacement marker for your location as well. For your convenience, the forms you need can be downloaded and printed from here in the Adobe PDF format. You can also pick up a copy of the form at our office or at any of your local post offices or municipal buildings located within Benton County.

Forms for Download: